It is one thing for fans to talk about good music and it is another for them to be ready for it, emjay mace is one hell of a consistent musician, the CEO of palace music hails from mutale limpopo south africa, trilla hails from south Africa too
And they feature Jos based musician amblo, that is jos plateau state in nigeria, don't worry i will drop pictures and Instagram handles of all the artists below
Emjay delivers, trilla delivered,amblo delivered too, instead of Instagram handles I will rather drop phone numbers of artists so you could hit them up on whatsapp
But before that, hit the download button
Below are the artist's pictures and their whatsapp contacts(phone numbers) with their various country codes
Connect with them, they are friendly
1. EMJAY MACE -+27 79 193 2248, south africa🇿🇦
2. Trilla -+27 63 791 7851, south africa
3. Amblo- +2349037510233,nigeria
Below are quotable lyrics
I can see your big noise in my business/ain't got no outcall for a witness/I don need a Friend now wait a minute/what do you want/what do you want in my business yaah/Ungena Kanjani oh/ungena Kanjani 5x
Ungena Kanjani only means..How do you get in
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