[Interview] One on one with Queen Western Nigeria 2018, Okolo Peace ~ Hypefever

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  • [Interview] One on one with Queen Western Nigeria 2018, Okolo Peace

  • 1. Who is Okolo uche peace ?
    Okolo Uche Peace is a Queen, an outstanding and caring queen with a heart of gold .

    2. What motivate you to become a model?
    My motivation for modeling began with my passion to impact positively into the lives of people .

    3. You were Queen Western nigeria 2018. Tell us what it is like to hold that position?
    It was a great honor being given the opportunity to wear the crown and represent face of western Nigeria, Well, as Queen western Nigeria I became someone the younger females looked up to, most times on my Instagram, I get messages from young girls asking how they can be as confident and self esteemed like I am, I get questions on how I was able to manage both school and modeling and I’ve been able to give replies that motivate and encourage them, especially on the issue of self esteem, I’ve had girls come up to me in school asking how they can build their confidence and modeling career and I’ve been able to guide them and encourage them to the best of my capabilities, I have also been able to do a charity work while in school, I was able to gather young girls to talk to them and give them lessons on being a better female in the society, it really wasn’t easy because of school but I was able to get snacks and stuff for the children and I played with them... Been Queen western Nigeria was fun and I would always be grateful for the platform.

    4. How were you able to manage the position of beauty queen and school?
    It is not an easy feat to manage both school and modeling but with God on my side coupled with my passion for modeling, so far I’ve been managing it well .

    5. How as being a beauty queen affected your life?
    Well, it has affected my life positively, I am a recognized individual and it has helped in building and boosting my confidence level.Being a beauty queen is a whole lot more than just being a beautiful queen, it has really given me an edge among my peers, it has impacted in my life positively and I’m happy to be a Queen, though I haven’t reached the level of recognition that I want just yet but so far, I’m a recognized Individual in school, among my peers and mates, as an individual, I’m one who loves the spotlight and being a beauty queen has put me in that spotlight, it has also helped in boosting my confidence level, I’m a very confident person and no one can make me feel less than I am, before, a single word from someone can break my self esteem but now, I know who I am, I don’t need someone else to tell me who I am or how important I am because I already know, some see as it as pride or arrogance but it’s just me believing in me and being a beauty queen has a huge role in that aspect.

    6. Talking about gender inequality in Nigeria as women are considered subordinate to their male counterparts, what’s your take?
    Women, I believe are all creations of God almighty as well as men, God created us equally, which makes everyone independent individuals, I believe that women have the same importance as men in the society and shouldn’t be underestimated .

    7. What advice would you give to an aspiring model?
    My advice would be keep trying, it doesn’t matter how many no’s you get, keep working towards your goal, coupled with God and passion, you’ll reach your goals.

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